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Become an affiliate

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Free to Join Affiliate Program With 15% Per Sale

We understand the incredible amount of effort that you put into what you do. That’s why our high ticket affiliate marketing program truly rewards you with some of the highest pay-outs. Free and easy affiliate program sign up for creators, artists, influencers, marketing agencies, bloggers, YouTubers. Suitable for all content producers such as Print-on-Demand or drop-shipping professionals. Create additional income and get paid fast.

become an affiliate

Your Benefits

  • In-house affiliate program, no need to join a network, easy to sign up and start in minutes
  • Bi-Weekly pay-outs. Full amount of commission paid
  • One of the highest pay-outs (15% commission, PayPal pay-outs) earned with your own referral link
  • Distinctive and original premium product price range means greater rewards from high ticket affiliate marketing products
  • Recurring commissions (open after one month)
  • 90 day cookie, 15% commission for 12 months
  • Support resources, creative materials and tips when you become an affiliate
  • Worldwide delivery and global reach


  • Choose unique and varied products to refer to your audience
  • Create fresh content and some cool products to grow your base around designs and artists you love
  • Promote both custom and artist-designed products for 15% rewards every time someone buys
  • Products that are high ticket, bespoke made and with sustainability focus
  • Start right away

We work with brands big and small
